Almost Heaven
A week ago I returned home from R'dam.... And I have to say I have been overwhelmed by the pleasant feeling. Its not that Rotterdam would be that bad (well it is actualy pretty bad) but this place is just so much better.... I am no potato that only likes home and doesn't wanna go anywhere. I have spent 2 years (F and USA) outside my country excluding the R'dam year. But the difference in this case is just striking... I know that you will say that I am biased against R'dam and such things.... but look at my situation. I came from a filthy hole full of screaming people from colonies where trams were slow and expensive. Where police gives fines for biking without a light and drinking beer on street. Where school fines you for leaving stuff in library and terminates your account for having a dring when working in PC lab. A place where all important places are closed after 5 pm the lates and the main shopping street is made out of alluminium....
On the other side I arrived to a place which is relatively clean and I dont need to be afraid to sit on the street. To place where people are generaly nice and they dont scream, honk, loiter in front of my house or kick my bike at night. to place where public transport is efficient and for resonable price. Where police is corrupt but doesn't care about you unless u cause any harm. Where almost everything in the city is open or closed according to market demand.... I am attaching couple pictures from my place to document more on my feelings.... Well I post them later when server works....